MultiYield Architectures
SAMS & MASS MultiYield
Last updated
SAMS & MASS MultiYield
Last updated
SAMS stands for Single Asset Multi Strategy MultiYield. SAMS MultiYield is one of the inaugural products of FortiFi. These MultiYield require a single asset to be deposited and automated into several underlying sub-strategies. This provides access to diverse yields through several underlying farms, all in a single gas-efficient click.
MASS stands for Multi Asset Single Strategy MultiYield. MASS MultiYield are akin to traditional ETFs, providing a single token that represents a diversified basket of cryptocurrencies. The key distinction between ETFs and MASS MultiYield is that unlike in ETFs, each asset in a MASS MultiYield is yield-bearing. Underlying assets in MASS MultiYield are deployed to unique sub-strategies. This means users constantly generate yield while balancing asset exposure automatically to different assets.
These MASS MultiYield are multi-asset as they derive yield across several underlying currency positions. Each underlying currency in the MultiYield has a single underlying strategy per asset. This is key for proper risk management.
FortiFi charges depositors up to an 8% performance fee on profits generated in the MultiYield. No Deposit or Withdraw fees are present on SAMS and MASS MultiYield. FortiFi aims to be one of the most affordable and efficient staking protocols on the market, charging only a 4-8% performance fee on SAMS and MASS MultiYield. Most other vault platforms and yield aggregators charge a performance fee of 10-60% on profits.
These two styles of MultiYield will be the first product taken cross chain — each new deployment will be ratified by protocol governance.
FortiFi received smart contract audits on both SAMS and MASS MultiYield architectures from Blaize Security. FortiFi passed our audits on both SAMS MultiYield and MASS MultiYield. Full Audit reports can be found here.