Technical Partnerships
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FortiFi’s operations for the assets sAVAX, JOE, GMX, PNG, Grail, swETH, wETH, rETH, USDC, USDT, and DAI are enabled by a custom oracle provided by DIA, delivering robust, real-time asset price feeds for the assets.
Data Sourcing
This oracle utilizes a high-frequency, 120-second data aggregation window and fetches data from a curated list of high-volume exchanges. You can view the feed’s data sources in real-time on the DIA APP or in the asset textlinks above.
Pricing Methodology
The asset’s price calculation employs the Moving Average Price with Interquartile Range (MAIR) methodology. For an in-depth explanation of the pricing mechanisms, consult DIA's Technical Documentation.
Update Mechanism
The smart contract for this oracle employs a deviation-based update mechanism with a 1% threshold. Any price change greater than this value triggers an immediate on-chain update. Additionally, the price feeds update every hour if there are no deviation-based updates.
To view the oracle’s most up-to-date configuration, always refer to the DIA Forum, under Custom Delivery Request CDR #081.
Yield Yak leverages Yak Swap's smart routing to maximize every single reinvest. FortiFi utilizes these autocompounding farms to loop rewards in MultiYield strategies. FortiFi utilizes these farms as unique silos, aggregating multiple deposits in various farms with a single deposit transaction.
Historically, auto-compounding platforms use fixed routing when reinvesting the socialized rewards in an auto-compounding pool.
Yield Yak has uniquely integrated its zero-fee DEX aggregator, Yak Swap, into its reinvest functionality. Every time a reinvest is triggered, Yield Yak's smart contracts use Yak Swap to check that rewards are optimized for pool depositors.
For more information on Yield Yak autcompounding farms, Yak Swap, and more see there doucmentation here.
More to come between FortiFi and Yield Yak soon.